Advice to Live By: One Step at a Time!

Cassie Phillips and her family

Hi, I’m Cassie Phillips, and I’m so excited to share a bit about myself and my journey in fitness! I am a certified personal trainer and an RYT 500 yoga instructor. Before stepping fully into the fitness world, I worked as a respiratory therapist in the hospital setting, as well as home health care and hospice. These days, I’m also a mom, carpool driver, and enthusiastic cheerleader for my family and community. Joining The Well Studio felt like the perfect fit for me because their philosophy aligns so closely with my own. The supportive leadership team and staff create an incredible environment that truly inspires both growth and connection.

My Fitness Journey

My love for fitness probably began when I saw my mom doing her VHS tapes of Denise Austin and Richard Simmons! They were just FUN, so I would pop them in and do them on my own just to dance around the living room! When I was 18 years old, I joined a new workout at our local health club called cardio kickboxing. The instructor saw something in me I didn’t even know was there. She asked if I’d ever considered teaching—and that simple question changed the course of my life. That was 24 years ago, and I’ve been in the fitness world as a passion project ever since! Over the years, I’ve held numerous certifications, ran my own wellness blog for over 11 years, and  taught just about every type of class imaginable!

However, what I’ve learned through experience is that simplicity is often the most effective. That’s why my philosophy centers on the basics: movement, mobility, strength training, stress management, and rest. These foundational elements not only enhance your physical fitness but also help you feel confident, energized, and strong for the long haul.

My Best Advice

If you’re new to this, feeling stuck, nervous, or unsure where to begin, my best piece of advice is to trust the process.

Fitness isn’t about the latest trends, fancy equipment, or high-intensity fads. (Though I’ve played my part over the years in all of those fun concepts.) It’s truly about consistency and getting the basics down. Showing up regularly, even when it’s not perfect, will move the needle more than anything else. Through that steady effort, you’ll create a lifestyle that fosters health, vitality, confidence, and strength—one step at a time.

A Little About Me

When I’m not coaching or working out, you can find me spending time with my amazing family. My husband, Jake, and I (married 18 years this February!) love to explore life together with our 9-year-old daughter, Georgia, and our sweet super mutt, Winnie. We’re beach people through and through, and nothing makes us happier than a day by the ocean.

Community and connection are at the heart of everything we do. We love hosting friends, cooking delicious meals, and sharing life’s ups and downs with those around us. Personally, I love baking (sourdough bread is my latest hobby!), going for long walks and hikes with friends (aka therapy sessions!), and raising our four spirited chickens, Bernadette, Bingo, Bluey, and Golden Puff.

So, Let’s Get Started

Whether you’re stepping into the studio for yoga, strength training, or a little bit of both, I’m here to cheer you on and support you anyway I can. Together, our team will focus on building a strong foundation and creating a fitness routine that fits your life and your aspirations.

Thank you for trusting me to be a part of your fitness journey. Please say hi and introduce yourself if we haven’t met, and let’s embrace the process and see where it takes us!

About the Author: Cassie Phillips

Trainer, Strength Teacher, Yoga Teacher & Personal Training Lead – The Well Studio: a yoga, strength and pilates studio in downtown Dublin, CA.

Cassie is a certified personal trainer (CPT) and an RYT 500 yoga instructor. Before stepping fully into the fitness world, she worked as a respiratory therapist in the hospital setting, as well as home health care and hospice. These days, I’m also a mom, carpool driver, and enthusiastic cheerleader for my family and community. Joining The Well Studio felt like the perfect fit for me because the healthy living philosophy aligns so closely with my own. The supportive leadership team and staff create an incredible environment that truly inspires both growth and connection.