Join Katie Nishimori, in house life coach, for a series on “Belonging”. If you feel like an outsider, a black sheep, or misunderstood and you are tired of it, come to this workshop series. This is for the person who hides behind a mask to feel safe with others or faking it to keep their dignity in community, but you’re not feeling that sense of true belonging. Join me for this series with other women like you, who crave direction on how to feel like YOU belong! Curious to learn more? Join Katie at February’s Sacred Sunday for Women where we will circle up for a discussion on belonging, and move together in a Gentle Flow.
Series dates: Tuesdays at 12pm in the Wellness Room @ The Well Studio. (3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25)
Pricing of $125 is for all 4 sessions in the series ($31.25 per session)